Friday, August 24, 2007

Great First Week

Well, here we are at the end of our first week. I have to say that so far I am presently surprised. Mildly surprised at how bright Julia is....this I have known from the day she was born it seems. Happily surprised that Karley is so far able to keep herself busy and not need too much interaction for good 30-45 minute chunks of time. And so far I am most surprised that I am able to keep my own sanity!!! Today I realized that I was being a little less patient. How many times does one really need to say, "sit in your chair" or "stop fidgeting" or "please open your eyes when you are writing?" But we are at the end of our week and tomorrow I go to my "real job." Sunday will probably be spent catching up on shopping and cleaning up the house and then we will be at it all over again next week. So far, so good.

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