Saturday, September 1, 2007

On-site Classes

The class sign-up procedure at Natomas Charter School goes like this:

1. You can choose up to 7 classes.
2. Classes are given a grade range, say K-3
3. If more children than the alloted number sign-up for a given class, the class is filled by a lottery system.
4. No news is good news. If you don't hear back from them all is well and they enrolled your child in all the classes you requested.

Well, I thought we were in the clear, but I received a phone call yesterday saying that Julia did not make the Spanish class. I was told that she was on the wait-list and that it was possible that she would make it into the class afterall. I asked where on the wait-list she was. Dead-last I was told (actually just three kids on the wait list). We had indicated that Julia would like to take the Computer class if Spanish was full and I asked if it was still an option. I was told, yes, that class was not full. So I told the woman that I would discuss this with Julia and get back to her.

I go downstairs to tell Julia. It was late afternoon and she was deeply involved with her TV program. I told her that what I had to say was important. That I needed a decision from her and that she would not be able to change her mind later. I explained the situation and she said she wanted to wait for Spanish. I ask, "Are you sure?" She says, "Yes" and goes back to her show. So I head upstairs and when I get halfway she says, "WAIT! I think I want to take the computer class." I tell her that she can't change her mind she needs to decide and then that is it. She says, "I know I want to take the computer class. Besides, Grammy can always teach me Spanish."

As it turned out 3 of her 4 chosen classes were filled by lottery: Kindergarten class (which she made), Spanish, and Hip Hop (which she also made). Kind of interesting that the only class on her prefered list that did not need a lottery to fill was PE. So after the Monday holiday she starts her Kindergarten class in the morning (somehow, someway I have to get both kids to their classes, miles apart, at the same time.....) and Computers. Wednesday afternoons she will have PE and Thursday afternoons she will have Hip Hop. This should be interesting....

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow, hip-hop and computers. Things sure have changed since we were in kindergarten!