Monday, October 8, 2007

More Busy Days

I know another week and a half has passed since I've posted anything. This time of year just has a way of sneaking up on me and devouring all my "free time." John says that I take very large bites. Maybe he is right. Our schooling is going fine. Because there was a non school day last week (we did school anyway) we are about a day and a half ahead of schedule. That means if someone gets sick or if we feel like we need a break we won't be behind.

I have been busy sewing not one, but two princess gowns for Halloween. Julia decided to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Her costume is a really pretty yellow, poufy thing. It is almost complete, but I realized that I need to make another trip to the fabric store. Somehow I didn't come home with enough fabric to make the pouf. I started Karley's pink gown with fancy gold trim yesterday. So far it is coming out ok. The pink fabric is a cheap satin (which means the iron doesn't like it) and it has glitter woven in it. I'm finding that the glitter heats up and sticks to anything, including a press cloth, so it is really, really hard to do ANY pressing on her gown.

grumble, grumble

Last Saturday we enrolled the girls at Tricks again. They both had a lot of fun. Karley is old enough now to be in the big girl class without parent participation. She did great and didn't seem to notice that she was on her own. Actually, even though they are technically in separate classes, both classes warm up together and occupy the same area of the gym at the same time.

This week John leaves for his meeting in Phoenix for a few days.....right smack dap in the middle of our anniversary. At the end of the week we have two field trips scheduled. PACT's pumpkin patch trip is on Thursday and the preschool pumpkin patch trip is Friday.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to work in Julia's class for the first time. I'm not yet sure if I'm going to or not. Karley came down with a cold yesterday.

And then there is a very important 3rd birthday that I'm trying to plan. I'm beginning to feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day. And soon we will even lose another hour.....

1 comment:

Laura said...

Actually, you will gain an hour!