Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day!

Today, being Leap Day, we headed to the zoo to look for animals that hop or leap. I gave Julia a clipboard and lots of paper and she eagerly wrote down animals that we came to that hop, jump, or leap. The zoo also had a special talk today on frogs and toads (amphibians in general, really) and conservation. We were able to get all of our routine school work done in the morning and spent the rest of the day at the zoo. It was a warm spring day, perfect for going to the zoo. The three of us cheered that we were some of the lucky few that did not have strollers and diaper bags in tow. But of course there were the nearly consecutive five or so trips to the restroom.....

Julia's finds today include....

snow leopard
red kangaroo
Western toad
dart poison frog
fire-bellied toad
jumping pitviper
Colorado River toad
green tree frog
squirrel frog
Pacific tree frog
river otter

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