Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Changing Plans....again

Ok, so the whole North America unit study thing just isn't doing it for me. I have spent two or three weeks (perhaps more) trying to make it work, and it just isn't, so yesterday morning I changed gears....again. Now, Julia is working on a Butterfly unit. This one should be much less intimidating for both of us and we only have 3 weeks left before the project is on display at the PACT Extravaganza. I have been toying with the idea of purchasing a butterfly habitat thing and watch caterpillars grow and turn into butterflies. I had decided to wait until summer to do this, but now that we are going ahead with butterflies now, I went ahead and ordered the thing. I know that we won't be able to complete the life cycle before the Extravaganza, but, OH WELL!

So, now I'm in high gear trying to plan these activites for the project, keep up with our regular school work, plan a birthday party, prepare myself and Julia for our first piano recital, am I missing anything???? Oh yes, clean up after my messy kids and occassioanlly do a load of laundry!

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