Monday, September 22, 2008

Classes Begin

Today PACT classes begin. Normally I would be happy about that, but this year things are just different. For starters our new school which was originally supposed to be up and running for us to use at the beginning of the semester, and then revised for about this time, and then revised for maybe when we get back from Thanksgiving, to probably the start of second semester is now in jeopardy of not happening at all for this school year. I find it very frustrating that the Performing and Fine Arts part of the charter school was allowed to take over our classrooms and space on campus and then not have anywhere for our kids to go.

So the compromise is that some classes will be held in the warehouse where all of our books and furniture and resources are being held until the new home is built. And some classes will be back on the former campus, with a few "minor" hassles. For starters, the regular spaces where these classes normally take place seem to be unavailable. Instead of Julia's music appreciation class (which is very much up out of your seat dancing and making music as well as sitting and talking and listening to music) is not taking place in the dance room as before, it will now be located in a conference room. The small parking lot we PACT parents once occupied is now staff parking. We may not park there to drop off our children or pick them up. We are to try finding a place along the street a block or two away. We must park the car and escort our children to and from class, regardless of the child's age and how familiar they are with the campus (the 8th graders are going to love that!). We are strongly encouraged not remain on campus, even if we are waiting for our child from a one hour class. If we do remain on campus, we have to first check in at the front office and recieve a visitor pass (regardless of whether or not we have our official PACT parent-teacher ID worn around our necks) and then we can only wait for our child in one open outdoor location (should be pleasant when the cold, wet weather arrives).

Tomorrow we set out to navigate this crazy new school world. I drop Karley off first at preschool at 8:30 and then take Julia to the old campus and hope for a place nearby to park so I can escort her to campus for a 9:00 class, then leave, then hope in less than an hour's time that I can find another parking place so I can go get her. Then we will have some alone time before it will be time to retrieve Karley. Followed later in the afternoon by piano. Tomorrow's class is drawing.

Wednesday we go to Tricks in the morning. Eat lunch. Perhaps try to squeeze a couple things in and then I have to navigate that crazy campus again to take Julia to music appreciation class.

On Thursday it is Karley to preschool and then Julia to her first grade class in the warehouse. The only trick with that is that both girls' classes will be ending at 11:30.

But today and Friday we get to remain at home. No waking up early. No rushing out the door. No trying to find a place to park or trying to remember which campus a particular class meets at. Its funny how I used to always want (and NEED) these classes to have some time to myself. Now I'm starting to look at them a whole, new way.

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