The highlights of our week:
1. The ants finally arrived for our ant farm. It looks like we have 21 alive and one causualty. I was surprised when I placed them in the ant farm container how much they reminded me of cats. All of them sat down on their "behinds" and looked like they groomed themselves to get all the yuck off after being cooped up in the plastic test tube they were mailed in. Also, I've been surprised how some of them are quite inactive while others seem to be busy. I've read that they will tunnel and burrow and make rooms, one of which they will use to store their dead in. So far they just bump into the stiff one, back up, and then keep going.
2. Yesterday was Karley's long-awaited first fieldtrip of the school year. I think the girls had a good time and I remembered how when I did this trip with them last year how awful a certain 5 year-old's behavior was. This time we looked like we had the mature kids and it was someone else's turn to have to do all the discipline and time-outs. I guess I've paid my dues on that one (this time).
3. Julia is still on schedule. She is still loving science and dreading math. The funny thing is that it is almost like she WANTS to hate math. She tries to have problems with it but I really don't see it as being all that difficult for her. Her biggest difficulty is not distracting herself from what she is supposed to be doing.
Well, photos were supposed to go along with this, but they seem to literally be stuck on the camera card. Sometimes I hate technology. Hopefully, photos to come in future posts.
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